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Phrasal Verbs

meanings examples
come across to seem, to be considered, to be perceived
to find, especially in an unexpected way
Nathan comes across as rude, but he's really just shy.
come along to accompany You can aome along.
come around to visit or frequent a place
to change one's mind or attitude in a possitive or favorable way
Ever since Josh broke up with Mary, he doesn't come around anymore.
Greg will come around soon enough and agree with you.
come back  to return  
come by to visit for a short time
to receive, to get s.th.,usually of value

How did you come by that expensive car?
come down to decrease, such as price
to visit an area lower or further south
The price on that house has come down a lot.
come down on to punish severely (used with hard) When her parent caught jessica smoking, they really come down hard on her.
come in to enter,
to be receive as a signal, as in a TV, radio or cell phone

I love this station, but it doesn't come in very well outside the city.
come into to receive s.th. valuable, especially inherited money. Kevin came into some money, so he paid off all of his debts.
come on    
come out to divulge s.th. about oneself or one's idemtity  
come through to help or perform s.th. according to expectation I wasn't sure if he'd be able to lend me the money, but Jack really came through for me.
come to to arrive at, to awaken after having been unconscious When Mary came to, she discovered that s.o. had moved her to the sofa.
come up to visit an area higher or further north
to rise socially, economically, or professionally

Bob's really come up since he became the president of the company.
come up with to get an idea (used with idea, solution, proposal)  

meanings examples
turn around to go back in the opposite direction  
turn down to lower the power of s.th, such as light or volume,
to enter a road leading to a lower place (<=>turn up)
to refuse

You need to turn down this road and continue to the bottom of the hill.
It was agreat job offer, but I had to turn it down because it was too much work.
turn in to leave a street ot highway and enter a drivewaym parking lot
to go to a bed
to give an assignment or paperwork to a boss or a teacher
to report s.o. to the police
turn into  to become Jason got a promothion and turned into a real jerk
turn off to stop an electronic device, to exit a road or freeway,
to be unappealing (<=> turn on)

This music is horrible! It really turn me off.
turn on to start an electronic device, to drive onto a street, highway,
to be appealing or exciting.   (<=> turn off)

Dancing really turns me on and puts me in a great mood.
turn over to reverse the position of s.th. from right-side to upside down  
turn up to appear s.where, to be found
to increase the power of s.th, such as light or volume,
to enter a road leading to a higher place (<=>turn down)
Don't worry, your earring's not gone forever; it'll turn up.


meanings examples
pick up to take s.th up off of a surface, to buy s.th.  
pick out to select, to separate from If you break a wine glass, make sure you pick all of the glass out of the carpet.
pick over to take the best of s.th. and leave what is not so good. Yhe shirts have been on sale so long that they're realy been picked over.
pick on  to tease My sisters and brothers always picked on me because I was the youngest.
pick from to choose from a group of s.th. Mrs.Stefanson picked a new assistant from the group of applicants for the job.
pick at to take only very small amounts of food,
to scratch or irritate s.th., such as a cut or scrape.

Don't pick at that cut Let it heal.
pick up on to understand s.th, especially s.th that isn't intended to be understood. Thery spoke in Spanish in front of Dorothy, so she didn't pick up on what they were talking about.

Feelings~how do you feel now?

Happy optimistic inspired  
intimate playful  
peaceful hopeful  
powerful provocative intended to make people angry or upset, or to cause a lot of discussion
courageous  brave
accepted fulfilled  
proud confident  
interested inquisitive interested in a lot of different things and wanting to find out more about them  
joyful ecstatic feeling extremely happy and excited
liberated free to behave in the way you want
surprise excited energetic
amuazed awe  
confused perplexed confused and worried by something that you do not understand  =puzzled
disillusioned disappointed because you have lost your belief that someone is good, or that an idea is right
startled dismayed worried, disappointed, and upset when something unpleasant happens
fear scared terrified  
anxious overwhelmed  
insecure inadequate not good enough, big enough, skilled enough etc
submissive worthless  
rejected inadequate  
alienated someone unfriendly or unwilling to support you
humiliated disrespected  
anger hurt embarassed  
threatened insecure  
hateful resentful feeling angry and upset about something that you think is unfair
mad furious  
enraged to make someone very angry
aggressive provoked  
frustrated infuriated  
distant withdrawn very shy and quiet, and concerned only about your own thoughts
disgust disapproval judgemental  
loathing a very strong feeling of hatred
disappointed repugnant very unpleasant and offensive = repellent
awful revulsion a strong feeling of shock and very strong dislike
detestable very bad, and deserving to be criticized or hated
avoidance aversion a strong dislike of something or someone = hatred
sad guilty remoresful  
abandoned ignored  
despair powerless  
depressed inferior  
lonely abandoned  
bored apathetic  



meanings examples
drift to move slowly on water or in the air White clowds drifted across the sky.
flutter to make small gentle movements in the air The flag fluttered in the wind.
stir to move slightly or to make something move slightly The leaves stirred in the light breeze.
sway to move slowly from one side to another The trees swayed back and forth.
swerve to make a sudden sideways movement while moving forwards, usually in order to avoid hitting something The car swerved to avoid a dog which had run into the road.

Texture-how something feels when you touch it

adjective meanings typical examples image
smooth . paper .
polished . varnished wood/a shiny metal surface .
silky soft, smooth, and shiny like silk silk/fine, expensive tights .
sleek a smooth attractive shape
sleek hair or fur is straight, shiny, and healthy-looking
highly polished, streamlined new car bodywork
downy covered in or filled with soft fine hair or feathers new-born baby's hair/ towel
slippery difficult to hold, walk on etc because it is wet a fish just out of the water .
furry covered with fur or short threads a sheepskin rug/ stuffed animal .
rough . bark of a tree .
coarse having a rough surface that feels slightly hard sand
jagged having a rough or pointed edge or surface sharp, irregular edges of broken glass or metal/mountain/edge
prickly covered with thin sharp points thorns on rose/cuctus
gnarled rough and twisted with hard lumps twisted, dead wood from an old tree
glossy shiny and smooth photopaper/display

What animals do?
Animal baby movement make noise
cat kitten . mew MEOW
dog puppy . bark, growl WOOF
sheep lamb skip bleat BAA
lion cub . roar .
bear cub . . .
horse foal trot, gallop neigh .
pig piglet . grunt OINK
cow calve . moo MOO
duck duckling . quack .
cock chick . crow .
hen chick . cluck COCKADOODLEDOO
owl . . hoot TOOWIT TOOWOO
kangaroo . hop . .
snake . slither . .
Frog tadpole . croak .
butterfly caterpillar flutter .

作成日 2009年1月30日
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